Caravel Academy’s major fundraising organizations, PTC, BUCS & Music Boosters, are dedicated towards enriching our Buccaneer’s experiences at Carvel Academy. We invite you to learn more about us and thank you for your support. Get a FREE car magnet when your family becomes a member of all three organizations! Link below...
Music Boosters The Music Boosters is one of the driving forces to help the music program touch every student’s life here at Caravel. We support the band, chorus, theater and all the music classes at Caravel, from preschool through 12th grade. Each year we help send groups from the Middle and Upper Schools to competitions that bring a sense of camaraderie, achievement and pride to all the students who attend. We help bring you the Fine Arts Festivals in the Winter and Spring. Quality musical enrichment comes at a cost. We are here to help ease that burden. For these and so many other things we need your assistance, both financially and physically by volunteering to help work our fundraisers such as our Craft Fair in the Fall, refreshment sales during the Fine Arts Festivals, apparel sales throughout the year and more. We thank you for your continued support! We invite you to join us at our monthly meetings the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm via virtual. Details to be posted on Facebook & our website. Visit our website: & “like” us on Facebook (http:// camusicboosters/).
PTC Parents and Teachers of Caravel (PTC) is a fundraising organization whose goal is to support all of the students at Caravel Academy. We host family fun events to raise funds such as Spring Carnival, Blue Rocks Night, and Roller Skating as well as fun thank our teachers for the amazing job they do each day. The PTC is also supported by our student volunteers in the Middle and Upper schools. We plan to offer a scholarship to reward exceptional service from our Upper School at the end of the year. We invite all parents to join us on the third Wednesday of the month at 6pm via virtual meeting to find out more about how working parents, stay-at-home parents and Caravel teachers are working together to enrich our students experience at school. Best of all, we have a lot of fun doing it! Meeting details are posted on our Facebook page. Email us at [email protected] and “Like” us on Facebook (
BUCS The BUCS Athletic Association supports the students, coaches, and athletic teams in a variety of ways. We provide contributions toward coach’s clinics, team banquets, and supplemental equipment, as well as team and individual athletic recognition.In addition, the BUCS run the gate for the home football games and have hosted the R.C. Peoples Golf Tournament in July. – which we hope to resume in the near future. Many local companies, alumni, and faculty supported this event. If you have an interest in heading up a golf tournament for the BUCS, please send us an email. Every year the BUCS recognize the outstanding athletes in grades 8 thru 11. We present a $500 scholarship to the top male and female senior athlete along with a beautiful Buccaneer trophy. We have purchased and made available the “Hudl” program to all coaches and student athletes, allowing videos to be created and shared with colleges around the country. Please share with us our enjoyment and dedication to our students. This could not be possible without the support of the families at Caravel Academy. Thank you. Email us at [email protected]
Click the button below to join and/or order additional magnets. Magnets are delivered to student's homeroom.