Men will need black dress socks and black dress shoes. Ladies will need skin tone hose and black dress shoes. Please purchase 1” heels or lower. Remember that during performances you will be on your feet for quite some time. I have included the links for both the concert dress and tuxedo package. If you have any ordering or sizing questions, you can contact the company at 1-800-421-7479. They are very helpful.
The Women’s Ensemble, Men's Ensemble, Elite Ensemble, Senior Jazz Band & Wind Ensemble perform in gowns & tuxedos for most of their events. Below are the options for students to wear as their formal attire. The following links will take you to the proper items and with size charts attached. You can then build your shopping cart and place your order.
Women's Attire
Women’s Formal Wear Dress Make Sure you order Flutter Sleeves Juliet Concert Dress, Flutter Sleeve – American Band The gowns are basic black, 100% polyester and can be machine-washed. They are virtually wrinkle free and require very little maintenance. We order the Juliet Concert Dress from the American Band Company.
UPDATED Alternate Women’s Formal Wear Palazoo Pants Flutter Sleeve Blouse The Palazoo pants and flutter sleeve blouse are available as an alternate option for women musicians.
Sweatshirts Elite, Men's Ensemble & Women’s Ensemble will need their formal wear for most public performances with the exception of school sporting events, tree trim, many outdoor caroling events, etc. We are designing new sweatshirts and will post a new order link as soon as they are available. The sweatshirt design will be the same for all Choirs. The sweatshirts will cost $25. You may turn in cash to Ms. Boone, or checks can also be written to the Caravel Music Boosters. If you are performing in Women’s, Men's and/or Elite (which many of you are), you will be wearing the same formal attire and sweatshirt for both choirs throughout your high school career.